Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Preliminary Task - mp4 video

The following work has been done by me and my crew:

Preliminary Evaluation:
In our Preliminary Task we have learnt so many new things - all of this knowledge is new to us and I admit we found it hard.

What have you learnt?
We have learnt how to operate a camera - framing a shot and movements. We understand that different shot sizes have different meanings - e.g. a long shot is used in order to establish the location and place and gives the viewer information about where the scene is set; whereas a close - up may be used for the viewers to become more intimate with the characters motivations and feelings (more personal). I am beginning to understand about the grammar of film language and how to create realism. We have learnt about matching the action - how to film and edit so that the action flows. How to film conversations was hard - especially when filming two people talking to one person. Other terms I have been introduced to are: cutaways, eye-line match and parallel editing

We have learnt how to import clips, place them on the timeline and use various effects and transitions. We now understand about continuity editing - this is used to maintain that flow and harmony in an ongoing film. this gives the film a sense of realism.

We have also learnt how to plan for filming. The importance of producing clear storyboards, shot list and generally being very organised and prepared before filming.

We have learnt that you have to speak up when working in a team. We were all quite shy about sharing our ideas and this exercise has made us more confident about speaking our ideas and communicating clearly.

We have learnt many new Media key terms.

What skills have you developed:
New skills:
Planning - how to create a story
Camerawork - how to frame a shot size, how to pan a shot
Editing -
Team work

we have learnt how to be a team leader and take charge within my group. we are able to realise faults and assign individuals to it. We have also learnt how to use the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Editing software. We have also learnt how to plan for a film, and  see what props i need. We have acknowledged how to physically film and take different shots like 'over the shoulder' and different size shots.

What Feedback have you received:
The biggest criticism was that we spent too long making a story when all we needed to do was to show someone walking into a room, having a conversation and leaving. Our over the shoulder filming was badly done and the end of the sequence was rushed.

My audience have told me that there are a range of filming and continuity editing techniques in my preliminary task, ( match on action , 180 degree rule) but it was not good.

How would you improve your Preliminary:

We would make sure that we planned the shots better, created a more detailed storyboard. I would also make sure that

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