Here is some information I found from
Diegetic Sound:
Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:
- voices of characters
- sounds made by objects in the story
- music represented as coming from instruments in the story space ( = source music)
Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound
Diegesis is a Greek word for "recounted story" The film's diegesis is the total world of the story action
Non-Diegetic Sound:
Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:
- narrator's commentary
- sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect
- mood music
Another term for non-diegetic sound is commentary sound.
There are a variety of sounds which will be used in our opening sequence.
The diegetic sound which will be used in our opening sequence is the conversation between characters.
There are many non-diegetic sounds which will be used in our opening sequence. First of all, during the torture scene there will be low-key music and then a voice over which will be done by myself. Then, as the opening sequence goes on and leads to the chase, the music will speed up and become quite intensified.
Another non-diegetic sound which we will add in is the gun shot.
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