Tuesday, 5 February 2013

SE7EN 9 Frame Analysis

9 frame analysis (Thriller-SE7EN)

The following has been done by my crew and me as we wanted to practice for our original 9 frame analysis.

This first frame is an extreme close up on a book so this creates some mystery as the audiences are wondering what this book is and why has this been shown in a extreme close up, The titles are very distorted, and look jagged and not welcoming, which tells you that it is not a romantic movie. The big element of this shot is the enigma of the book and what is in it; this is a key element when it comes to thrillers.

This second frame shadows the first frame as the darkness of the film is carried out to the second frame as it uses dark colours this shows that it is going to be a dark film. It gives a sense of thrill, because you want to know what is hiding in that darkness, also the picture of the hands makes you wonder whose hands they are. They have used low key lighting in this scene as well which adds to the tension of this scene.

This third frame is the name of the film, and as you can see it is very dull and dark as it does not used any bright or vibrant colours for the title so from this you can see that this is going to be a dark film not a love story film. The text font is an unusual font as it is uneven and faded so this has not been used that much so this type of writing looks rough so you can tell that this is going to be a dark film. The use of the background colour black tells the audiences that this is going to be a dark film. The mise-en-scene is pretty plain and simple, yet effective because it stands out even though it has standard colours.

This fourth frame is an extreme close up of someone writing or logging in a book of some sort, and there is an effect where it looks like they have been writing for a while so people are left thinking who could this person be or what are they writing creating mystery.. The mise-en-scene is well presented in this frame of the film opening because of the extreme close up you only focus on that specific area of the frame which makes you want to know who is actually writing in the book.

This fifth frame is an extreme close up of a page and someone is filling in some parts of the text with a black pen so the audiences if left thinking what are they doing or what are they trying to find therefore this create suspense. This shows a key element in thriller movies which is mystery because you don’t know who is doing this or why he is doing this, this gives you a sense of mystery which is a massive part of a thriller movie.

This sixth is an extreme close up of a picture which looks like a boy so this attracts the audiences as they are left thinking who is this boy meant to be and what relevance does he have to the film. The titles are a big contribution to this frame because it says a lot about the movie or the main character in the movie, the font is not straight or organised and the font is displaced around the page, which could mean that the main character is mentally unstable, if it relates to the font., the mise-en-scene is the low key lighting which is dark all around the central image, which attracts the attention towards the centre of the frame.

The seventh frame is an extreme close up of a picture on a man with a sharp object in the back of his head and you can see that some of this guys hair is cut off so this may indicate to the audiences that this is a physiological thriller as this look unusual maybe he is logging his killings or he is a police officer looking at a murder. The mise-en-scene is the lighting which is dark all around the central image, which attracts the attention towards the centre of the frame.

The eighth frame has a pitch black background and bright white text, this stands out against the black background which draws your attention and from the background colour this may suggest that it is going to be a dark film, the black background could also represent evil and the white text could mean hope

The ninth frame is an extreme close up on a American dollar bill so this may indicate that this film is money related however you can also you can see the person has cut out the work "God" which could either mean that he is very religious or the complete opposite maybe an Antichrist so therefore there is some reference to god so this may be meaningful film.

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